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July 30, 2014

New event in Clarisford Killaloe on 21 Sept Take Part in the Happiest Run of you…

by Boru Tri Club

New event in Clarisford Killaloe on 21 Sept
Take Part in the Happiest Run of your life.

Colour Killaloe is all about promoting Health, Happiness and Positivity, so take part in order to raise funds for GROW Ireland and you can hop, skip, walk, run , crawl, or anything yourself into colour.

GROW is a MENTAL HEALTH Organisation which helps people who have suffered , or are suffering from Mental Health Problems. Members are helped to recover from all forms of mental breakdown or indeed to prevent such happening.

Take part to raise funds, Take part to remember a friend, take part for fun or to end stigma!!!

€20 for each entry, includes free Colour Killaloe Tshirt.
(Distances 3k and 5k TBC)

Colour Killaloe
Take Part in the Happiest Run of your life. Colour Killaloe is all about promoting Health, Happiness and POsitivity, so take part in order to raise funds for GROW Ireland and you can hop, skip, walk, run , crawl, or anything yourself into colour. GROW is a MENTAL HEALTH Organisation which helps peop…

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