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February 3, 2015

Making the most of it – our training group for 2015

by elaine

Making the most of it

Get your garden working to produce 30+ crops
Grow the best, tastiest and most nutritious
chemical free veggies, fruits, herbs & salads
to minimise dietary chemical loading

Weekly hands-on training sessions at Good & Green, Ogonnelloe, Co Clare

Organic techniques & skills to succeed at all stages through the seasons:
Preparing your soil, seed sowing, crop by crop care, harvesting, using & storing your own produce
Gardens of every size (including containers), outdoor & protected tunnel crops
Low cost, regular sessions with ongoing support and training throughout the season

12 week term starting Wed Feb 25th
Weekly sessions 10am – 12.30pm
150 euro per term for 12 weeks – Concessions/occasional attendance possible
Tea/coffee & home baking included

For bookings/enquiries:
Elaine Mc Keogh (Msc Organic Horticulture)
Tel. 087 6187908/

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