Dates & Booking

Writing workshops in Ireland's dream location

Your choice of workshops

Get started writing

MANY people feel they have a basic gift for writing, but don't know how to start. Others need writing skills in their work. In fact, whether it's fiction or report writing, the same basic and very simple skills are required. This weekend enables you to develop those skills.

Objective: By the end of the workshop you should be writing absolutely clear, simple prose that holds the reader's attention.

Start your novel

PEOPLE and lives that never existed until you created them - short of procreation, what greater joy can there be than making that which was not, come to pass? In this weekend you can work towards establishing your plot and your characters, and learn basic techniques of viewpoint, narrative and dialogue. You will also learn about agents and publishers.

Objective: By the end of the workshop you should have grasped the basics of writing full-length fiction, and know what steps to take next.

Is there a non-fiction book in you?

IF you hanker to write a non-fiction book, but don't know the first thing about it, this workshop will help. You can test your idea in sympathetic and supportive surroundings. You learn how to deal with agents and publishers; how to present a non-fiction proposal; how to research and how to structure your book.

Objective: By end of workshop you should be ready to take the first steps to make your book a reality.

Writing features for magazines and newspapers

THERE are hundreds of magazines out there, all around the world, ready to snap up a well-written article by you - if you only knew how to write it or where to send it. This weekend explores the secrets of grabbing the reader's interest (and the editor's) from the very first sentence. It also explores the markets for your work.

Objective: By the end of the workshop you should be able to write a marketable feature article and know how and where to place it.

Write your memoirs

THEY say there's a book in every single person. You know there's one in you- anyone's personal life story would certainly make a book. But would you want to tell all? Or could you weasel it by writing it as fiction? And if you wrote your life story, would you want it published or just kept for the family? There are a lot of choices, and we consider them in this workshop. And we show you how to make a start - on the story of your life.

Objective: By end of workshop you should be started on the story of your personal life, and be aware of how far you want to reveal yourself.

Further writing skills

PEOPLE keep wanting to come back to these workshops (sometimes after having done all of them!). So they keep asking for a workshop that will teach them techniques not previously covered, will make them more and more skilled as writers. This workshop is the answer.

Objective: By workshop end you should have acquired skills that can make your writing more vibrant and sparkling.

Writing effective speeches

THIS workshop is a response to overwhelming demands for training in speech-writing. It shows how to write openings that will grab attention from the start, and how to hold that attention throughout the speech. It covers the various kinds of speeches - from ones to persuade colleagues to your viewpoint, to speeches that explain and inform, to speeches that simply entertain the wedding guests.

Objective: By end of workshop you should be able to write a speech that will hold your listeners, and achieve the effect you intend.

Take splendid photos

YES, we know it's not about writing. But so many people have asked us for a workshop on taking photos, that - here it is. It will teach you simple techniques for taking really good photos of people and places.

Objective: By workshop end you should be able to take effective and even beautiful photos in most normal situations.

More on your novel

MOST of you who do our workshop "Start your Novel" get back to us wanting more. This workshop is for you - and also for anyone who wants to get further into novel writing.

Objective: By end of workshop you should really know how to take your fiction writing further and make it more professional.

Writing poetry

A weekend with distinguished Scottish poet Kenneth Steven, who takes you through the essentials of writing poetry, and works with you to actually do so.

Objective: By the end of the workshop, you should have a better understanding of what poetry essentially is, and have actually written some.

A poetic experience

An innovative poetic experience discovering what poetry really is, and what it is for.  The weekend, with Fiona Clark Echlin, is designed to realease the poet within you and to extend your particular poetic voice and find a springboard for your ideas and form.

Objective:  By the end of the weekend you will have explored new poetic directions, refined your style and investigated a number of outlets for your poetry.

The short story

What makes a good story and how can you release the stories in you to maximum effect?  Fiona Clark Echlin will help you to find your voice and viewpoint, and to structure and write an effective short story plus a piece of 'flash fiction'.

Objective:  By the end of the workshop you should have acquired skills to enable you to write short stories well worth reading, and to explore outlets for your work.

For information and booking contact:

The Secretary, Killaloe Hedge-School of Writing, 4 Riverview, Ballina, Killaloe, Co. Clare.
Tel: (061) 375217 Fax: (061) 375487 eMail: Please Fill in Form.
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